Surprise! We’re Not Just Eating Bonbons and Drinking Champagne!

Sometimes people wonder what I do over the winter break. While there is a little bonbon eating and usually a break to go south, most of the time I am reading, going to yoga when I please, having lunch and coffee with friends, planning for the spring, adding online items, ordering new products, and spiffing up the store. Not super exciting, but I get a lot of pleasure out of it! Do you enjoy the simple pleasures during the winter season too?

This winter has been so cold and snowy! Almost every day we wake to a few new inches of snow. It’s snow globe pretty but I’m ready for a little bit of a melt. I snapped this pic of the shop last week.

I ordered lots of new spring merchandise, so Sue and Steve have been helping me with pricing. The bulk of the clothing doesn’t come until March so it’s mostly the “other stuff” that’s been getting tagged. Speaking of the “other stuff”, I’m going back to my roots a little bit this year. When I first opened the shop in 2000, I didn’t have a shred of clothing to sell. I purchased things that I thought would make women laugh or get inspired to make a change or allow them to indulge themselves. So, I’ve really focused on that again this year.

This bookcase is full of card decks and books and journals and bath salts that will make you laugh, empower you, allow you to record your feelings.

I’ve been searching out unique personal care items for 26 years. This year, I’ve found fortune-filled bath bombs, bath wands, fantastic shower steamers, and hand and foot and face masks galore.

Remember this cool wallpaper that we used as an earring display last year? Well, it got a glow up, courtesy of Sue. We think it looks so cute and it was incredibly relaxing to color it in with paint.

I also ordered some new tshirts that celebrate all that is beautiful about women: our strength, our humor and our compassion.

Also, not gonna lie, there is a snark section, primarily because these kinds of products are always popular. Snark sells, people! And secondarily, I do love me some snark.

I’ll leave you with this wall of beautiful illustrations coupled with inspiring quotes. I do love a good quote!


A Letter to Our Wonderful Customers!